Plantar Fascia
- Press your toes against a door frame or wall and push the ball of your foot down towards the ground until you feel a stretch in your arch
- Grasp your heel in one hand and your toes in the other. Pull your toes upwards until you feel a stretch in your arch
- Get into a crouch position where you sit on the foot you want to stretch and bend at your toes until you feel your arch stretch
Hold for: __________ seconds. Times per day: ___________________

- Face the wall and place both hands flat against it. Have the calf to be stretched behind you and the other leg in front of you. Bend your front knee. Keep your back knee straight and your heel on the ground. Now push your pelvis forwards towards the wall and your back heel downwards towards the ground untl you feel a stretch in your back calf.
- Assume the same position as option one. Now change the position by bending your back knee. Press your back heel down towards the ground until you feel a stretch in your calf. It will stretch lower down than option 1.
Hold for: __________ seconds. Times per day: ___________________

– Use a wall or table to help you balance. Bend your knee to bring your foot up behind you. Use the arm on the same side of your body as the lifted leg to hold the foot at the ankle level. Pull the ankle up behind you until you feel a stretch in your quads on the bent leg. When you release your ankle, lower your foot slowly to prevent injury.
Hold for: __________ seconds. Times per day: ___________________

- Lie on your back with one leg straight on the floor. Use a towel to raise the other leg as high as possible while keeping it straight until a stretch is felt in the hamstrings of the raised leg.
- Sit on the floor with one leg straight and the other bent. Reach forward with both hands towards the toes of the straight leg until a stretch in the hamstrings is felt.
- Stand with one leg straight in front you with the heel resting on the ground and the toes in a comfortable position. Rest your hands on the thigh of the straight leg and lean forward until you feel a stretch. Your other leg is just used to help you balance
Hold each for: __________ seconds. Times per day: ___________________

Hip flexor
– kneel on the ground on one leg and have the other leg at 90 degrees in front of you as seen in the picture to the right. Shuffle your back knee backwards slightly and then push forwards with your pelvis (don’t just lean your body forwards) until you feel a stretch.
– If you are unable to feel a stretch, try putting your back foot up on a wall like in the second picture and repeat the process.
Hold for: __________ seconds. Times per day: ___________________

- Sit on the floor with the bottoms of your feet touching each other like seen in the first picture. Hold onto your ankles and push your knees down with your elbows. Lean slightly forward or move your heels closer to your groin if required until you feel a stretch.
- Stand with your legs wider than shoulder width apart. Push your pelvis to one side (don’t just lean your body) so that the knee in the direction you are pushing is bent and the other one is straight.
Hold for: __________ seconds. Times per day: ___________________

- Sit on the ground with your legs in front of you. Bend one knee and cross that leg over the other one like in the first image. Use your opposite elbow to push your knee across the other leg while twisting your torso and head in the opposite direction until you feel a stretch.
- Lie on the ground with your legs straight. Bend one hip and the same knee each to 90 degrees and cross the leg over the straight one as seen in the second image. Use your arm to push downwards on the bent knee while twisting your torso in the other direction until you feel a stretch.
- Lie on your back with both knees bent. Cross one leg over the other so that one leg rests across the knee of the other. Use your arms to pull on the leg that is still touching the ground and draw the leg up towards your chest until you feel a stretch.
Hold for: __________ seconds. Times per day: ___________________

Illio-tibial band
- Stand with your feet together. Place one arm by your side with your palm resting lightly against your thigh. Raise your other arm up by your ear. Lean your body over in the direction of your first arm while sliding that hand down your thigh as seen in the first image until you feel a stretch.
- Stand with your feet together with a wall on your one side. Place the forearm on the arm closest to the wall against the wall at about head height and place your other hand on your hip. Cross the legt closest to the wall behind the other leg as far as you can. Push your hips downwards and towards the fall until you feel a stretch.
Hold for: __________ seconds. Times per day: ___________________

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