Patello-femoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)

Patello-femoral pain syndrome is felt as pain in your knee that can be hard to localise to one spot. It normally feels like the whole knee, the front of the knee or the front-inside of your knee. The patella is your knee cap and the femur is your thigh bone so patella-femoral pain syndrome is [...]
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Osgood Schlatters

Osgood Schlatters is a condition that causes knee pain in adolescents. The quadriceps muscles all attach via a single tendon onto the tibia (shin bone) just below the knee joint (tibial tuberosity). Osgood Schlatters occurs when the quadriceps tendon pulls excessively on this attachment and so causes pain. In some cases, a bone flake may […]

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Morton’s Neuroma

A neuroma is a (usually) benign swelling or thickening of the nerve. Neuromas often occur in the feet between the metatarsal bones. These bones are at the front of your foot and sit just behind your toes. The cause of a neuroma between the metatarsals is usually due to compression or irritation. A person with […]

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Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome

Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) is also known as ‘shin splints’.  MTSS is felt as a vague pain at the front of your legs by your shins and does not just affect one small spot. In the past, it was believed to be a bone injury, hence ‘shin splints’. However, recent studies show that it […]

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ITB Friction syndrome

The ITB (iliotibial band) is a band of fascia (connective tissue) that runs down the outside of your thigh from your hips to your knee. It crosses your knee joint on the outside and attaches to the lower leg bones. One of the roles of the ITB is to help bend your knee. Underneath the [...]
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Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toe nails are very common and cause significant discomfort. They can be caused by the shape of your nail, especially if they are more ‘rainbow’ shaped than flat. Nail shape tends to run in families, as does the occurrence of ingrown toe nails. Ingrown toe nails can also be caused by tight footwear, sweaty […]

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Home Care after your Nail Surgery

After the Surgery The dressing: Keep it on at all times, keep it clean and keep it dry. Put a bag over your foot when showering to help. It will be changed for you at your next appointment. Pain management: Take paracetamol as soon as possible after the surgery. Take it regularly as directed for […]

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Footwear advice

Choosing a shoe can be hard. There are so many styles, brands, shapes, sizes and prices. And to make matters worse, while a shoe may look good quality, it may not offer you enough support. But don’t worry! Use these 5 steps to cover the basics in choosing the right shoe for you. Step 1: [...]
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Freiberg’s Infraction

Freiberg’s Infraction is an avascular necrosis of the metatarsal head, most commonly the second metatarsal head. This means that the bone at the head of the second metatarsal dies due to insufficient or interrupted blood supply. The second metatarsal is one of the long bones at the front of your foot and the head sits […]

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Dorsal Interosseous Compression Syndrome

Dorsal interosseous compression syndrome is felt as pain on the top of your foot. It usually affects people with higher arches than what is considered normal or in those with hypermobility (or ligaments that are more loose or stretchy) which allows more movement in the joints of the foot than usually seen. Many of the […]

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